January 18, 2023

Founding SCREAMING TREES bassist Van Conner has died at age 55. The news of his passing was announced earlier today (Wednesday, January 18) in a Facebook post by Van's brother, SCREAMING TREES guitarist Gary Lee Conner.

Gary wrote: "Van Conner bassist and song writer of SCREAMING TREES died last night of an extended illness at 55 It was pneumonia that got him in the end. He was one of the closest friends I ever had and I loved him immensely. I will miss him forever and ever and ever…"

Van formed SCREAMING TREES in 1985 in Ellensburg, Washington with Gary, singer Mark Lanegan and drummer Mark Pickerel. After the band's initial breakup in 2000, Van continued to write, produce and record music with his friends and family.

SCREAMING TREES were considered to be one of the pioneers of the Seattle grunge movement in the 1990s, along with THE MELVINS, MUDHONEY, SOUNDGARDEN, and more. The band released seven albums, five EPs and three compilation albums.

SCREAMING TREES' single "Nearly Lost You" was featured in the movie "Singles" and cracked the Top Five of the Billboard Modern Rock chart.

Lanegan died last February at age 57.

Let me put this letter on Van’s grave.
Van Conner bassist and song writer of Screaming Trees died last...

Posted by Gary Lee Conner on Wednesday, January 18, 2023

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